Tuesday, July 10, 2012

UN Body Sets Food Standards for Ractopamine & Melamine

The United Nations food standards body, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has agreed on a set of residue limits for the veterinary drug ractopamine in animal tissues. A growth promoter, ractopamine is used to keep pigs lean; the Commission have adopted maximum residue limits for the amount of the drug allowed in the tissues of pigs and cattle.

The decision has been made after a rigorous process of scientific assessment to ascertain that the proposed levels of residues have no impact on human health. This assessment was carried out by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, a group of independent experts convened by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) that provides scientific support to Codex.

The Commission reaches decision through a system of voting in accordance with the Commission’s rules and procedures. The limits approved for ractopamine by the Commission are 10 micrograms per kilogram of pig or cattle muscle, 40 micrograms per kilogram in liver and 90 micrograms per kilogram of the animals’ kidneys.

The Commission has also agreed to new regulations on the maximum level of melamine in liquid milk formula for babies to protect the health of consumers across the world. Other measures adopted include new food safety standards on seafood, melons, dried figs and food labelling.

Melamine, which is lethal at high concentrations, has been used illegally to increase apparent protein content in food products including infant formula, and milk powder. Milk tainted with melamine  cause death and illness in infants. Two years ago, the Codex Commission adopted a maximum melamine level of 1 mg/kg for powdered infant formula and of 2.5 mg/kg for other foods and animal feed. The Commission has now set a maximum limit of 0.15 mg/kg for melamine in liquid infant milk.

Melamine is used to make dishware and kitchenware, among other industrial applications. The new limit will help governments protect consumers by determining if detected levels of melamine result from unavoidable melamine contamination that does not cause health problems or from deliberate adulteration.

Dried figs and aflatoxins
Aflatoxins, a group of mycotoxins produced by molds, are toxic and are known to be carcinogenic or causing cancer. Found in a variety of products such as dried fruits, nuts, spices and cereals at high levels if not stored properly. The Commission has agreed a safe maximum limit of 10 micrograms/kg for dried figs, together with details on how test sampling should be conducted.

Increased popularity of pre-cut melon slices has raised a public health concern because exposed pulp of the fruit can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This has been linked to life-threatening salmonella and listeria outbreaks.

The Commission recommended that pre-cut melons should be wrapped or packaged and refrigerated as soon as possible and distributed at temperatures of 4 C or less. Cooling and cold-storing was recommended as soon as possible after harvest, while knife blades used for cutting or peeling should be disinfected on a regular basis.

Seafood and viruses
For practice of proper food hygiene in seafood such as molluscs (mussels and oysters), the Commission adopted a set of preventive hygiene measures aimed to control food-borne viruses. Viruses are generally more resistant than bacteria and those transmitted by the faecal-oral route can persist for months in bivalve molluscs, soil, water and sediments. They can survive freezing, refrigeration, UV radiation and disinfection but are sensitive to heat.

Common food-borne viral diseases are caused by hepatitis A virus and norovirus. The Commission noted that the major hazard for the production of molluscs was the biological contamination of the waters in which oysters and mussels grow.

It is therefore important to ensure the seawater quality of growing areas, the Commission noted. When there is a likelihood or evidence of viral contamination, closure of the area, destruction of contaminated molluscs and/or heat treatment before consumption of already harvested molluscs is recommended.

Mandatory nutrition labeling
A very important recommendation of the Commission is that food manufacturers across the world label nutritional content on their products to ensure that consumers are better informed; the recommendation is in line with WHO’s Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health and is a major step forward in promoting healthy eating worldwide.

The 49-year-old Codex Alimentarius Commission, meeting from 2–7 July, was attended by 600 delegates representing 184 countries plus the European Union.

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